OBS - Omega Bright Steel
OBS stands for Omega Bright Steel
Here you will find, what does OBS stand for in Manufacturing under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Omega Bright Steel? Omega Bright Steel can be abbreviated as OBS What does OBS stand for? OBS stands for Omega Bright Steel. What does Omega Bright Steel mean?The India based company is located in New Delhi, Delhi engaged in mechanical or industrial engineering industry.
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Alternative definitions of OBS
- Observation
- Observation
- OBServer
- Observatory
- OBStetrics
- Ocean Bottom Seismometer
- Open Book Systems
- Outward Bound Singapore
View 119 other definitions of OBS on the main acronym page
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- OBPPL Offshore Business Processing Pty Ltd
- OPSPL Oyster Pearl Services Pvt Ltd
- OFFL Oman Foodstuff Factory LLC
- OBM On the Ball Marketing
- OGML Oil and Gas Measurement Limited
- OES Optimum Engineering Services
- OSC Overseas Services Corp
- OMB One Man Band
- OEPL Oxford Enterprises Pvt Ltd
- OPSEL OPS Excellence LLC
- OHF Operation Hope of Fairfield
- OJP Online Job Profiles
- OMG Opaque Media Group
- OWG One World Group
- OBC Open Bible Churches